The Fabulous Female Corner: A powerful web consisting of women that supports, empowers and educate

Posted on October. 26. 2019

October 12, 2019 in Glendale, CA took place a unique event hosted by Fabulous Female Corner, Facebook based virtual network/social group.  The facebook group itself was founded about 41/2 years ago by Nelly Maissian. It’s a closed group and unsurpassed value to its members. Currently it has 13.8K members and it reaches out to 125 countries. It engages over 11K active members and ties everyone together with fun informative posts. They share recipes with each other, funny and entertaining videos, jokes, and informative articles. They don’t allow controversial topics such as politics, religion or vaccination talk but encourage variety of discussions about sensitive topics and allow members to voice their opinions and views in today’s society. It’s  a light hearted group with a purpose of connecting women, distressing, entertaining, and empowering them. With today’s stressful and demanding lifestyle this group brings comedy and good vibes to their members hence the group activity level being so high. It’s a great support system for our members. The group has different themes each day to add variety and reminder for the member to pay attention to all aspects of life and balance. Mondays are inspirational quote day and Tuesdays are production and business day. Members can post ads in the group for free. Wednesdays are beauty/pamper day, Thursdays are art day, Fridays are health/fitness day, Saturdays are going out/travel day and Sundays are family days. They have monthly social/network events in different locations offering pleasant atmosphere and friendship building opportunities. Annual glas take place to celebrate the group and raise funds for non-profit organizations that benefit children. These annual celebrations are full of entertainers, dancers, singers, musicians and comedians. Last year The Demq Show boys were present with their  funny program. They always incorporate Armenain flare in their events. These events besides being entertaining and celebratory in nature, they also deliver philanthropic results. They have raised funds for several non -profit organizations that benefit children which are headed by the members of the network group. During the last Gala Nelly was presented forever living roses brought to her by a member who claimed that the group has had tremendous beneficial effect of so many people it has provided a sense of belonging to a group and being included and part of something positive and uplifting. It has saved some lives.

Once a week they address anonymous  question directed to the members for their input and suggestions. 

They have had annual day trips together such as wine tasting, museum visits, concerts , happy hours, holidays gathering and luncheons,and wine and paint nights to name a few.  Last November they launched the virtual professional Network group offering closed networking opportunities for professionals in our community both men and women. These members have special advertising and promotional  rights in the 13.8 K social group. The network offers bimonthly virtual meetings through the zoom platform and is conducted by Desiree Luethy @DesireeInspires, CEO of MixGenMedia, expert in Networking and public speaking.  This platform allows single/busy moms who are not able to leave their kids and family responsibilities behind to be able to benefit from networking from the comfort of their homes. The Professional network group is called Fabulous Female Corner-Interactive Business Network. The highlight of this group has been the educational aspect of our experts. We have financial advisors, accountants, attornies, weight loss expert, skin care and beauty experts, and health coaches. Looking for dynamic individuals to join our team and be part of our mission to bring our community women together and help elevate each other!!!


“A powerful web consisting of women that are filled with knowledge, wisdom, love, and compassion. The Fabulous Female Corner is a support system to all ladies; allowing each one to empower and educate the other as we go through our days in life. The Business Expo gave an excellent background insight of how advanced and organized the group is in total. In addition to the aspect of educating & empowering women, the FFC group, as well, is opening doors for new businesses and entrepreneurs; which always is a successful mission with the idea of networking & holding social gatherings per month!”

Delilah Shabazian

2. Fabulous Female Corner is an interactive social group that actively boosts the gifts and talents of their members to pour into helping the rest of the group rise to their better self.  Virginia Nersesyan
3.  The Fabulous Female Corner is the brainchild of Nelly Maissian , who created a platform to disseminate positivity and connections where members who join are instantly plugged into a world of sharing and information but in a fun and lighthearted manner.The camaraderie and sharing and empowerment within the  group is truly a testament of Nelly’s great heart and passion and her agenda has always been to help, share and create and the members of the FFC all get to benefit from her great heart.
Sara Bedirian

As the FFC group grew, with over 13000 members, the professional networking group became a substantial support platform with bi-weekly online seminars to connect, educate, nurture and network.

Nelly Maissian’s vision is to empower and support women with their personal and professional impediments.  A warm, kind hearted, tireless and a very active member of the community.

For dynamic and goal driven female business owners and entrepreneurs, FFC brings a basket of opportunities and mentorships to help build foundations for their ventures and ideas.Anet Abnous5. Finding a group of like minded individuals is essential in the well being and mental stability of any individual that’s an entrepreneur or part workforce of a corporation. As humans we have a need to share and connect in order to feel connected and part of a community. Fabulous Female Corner has become the growing go to virtual space that members can access to get that assurance of community and connectedness that is an essential factor to stress relief.
Alice Noravian

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