Commander-in-Chief Vasgen Sargsyan, His Holiness Karekin I Sarkissian in stark contrast with Soviet Russian stooges/agents Former Pres. Robert Kocharyan, Serzh Sargsyan, Catholicos Karekin II Nersisyan, Archbishop Bagrat Galstanyan

Posted on May. 10. 2024

Editor’s note: Below is the “text” of the USA ARMENIAN LIFE TV program of May 3, 2024. Exposés by Appo Jabarian and the editor-in-chief of “ARAHET” periodical Mikayel Mirijanyan. 

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APPO JABARIAN: Good evening, dear viewers, my name is Appo Jabarian. 

In these difficult days, the world Armenian, as well as the allied nations, states, and friends of Armenia, are following the internal political developments of the Armenian State with deep concerns and determination. 

Apparently, the fifth column still hopes to return to power, and it has tied those hopes to acts of revanchism by Putin’s Russia, which has contempt for Armenian sovereignty. 

The Armenian-based wing of the Armenian Revolutionary Federation – Dashnaktsutyun (ARF-D) have taken an active role in this collective game — this dirty game. The leadership of Armenian Revolutionary Federation – Armenia (ARF-A) including a segment of the ARF Bureau’s leadership have also become a component of this dirty game. 

ARF in general used to enjoy great respect and popularity in the Diaspora. However, in light of the ARF leadership and cronies’ misguided direction blindly discrediting and hurling false accusations against independent thinkers and commentators, who are neither pro-Pashinyan nor supporters of the old regimes’ kleptomaniacs has gone too far. 

Those independent thinkers, including your humble servant, claim that the Armenian people are disappointed, because the old kleptomaniacs continue to remain unpunished. 

The “assets” of the ARF Bureau have been engaged in futile attempts to mischaracterize such independent thinkers here in the Western United States. Hilariously they try to mislabel those independent thinkers as “Pashinoglu” (in Turkish, “Son of Pashinyan”). 

The following is my written response: 

At this moment, I will not divulge the name(s) of the person(s) who should have already received this letter by now. 

I am certain the day will come when these sincerely concerned fellow Armenians, noble-hearted individuals, who have been brainwashed and fallen victim to psychological warfare, will realize how disoriented they have become. 

What kind of brainwashing tactics are being applied against unsuspecting Armenians in the Homeland and Diaspora? 

1. “If Armenia does not join forces with Russia, Turkey will attack and invade.” 

2. “If Armenia does not join forces with Russia, Azerbaijan will swallow all of present-day Armenia.” 

And with this “process” of injection of fear, some noble-minded and honest Armenians fall into the trap and under the influence of fear, go to the other extreme, making accusations against those Armenians who are neither in the camp of the ruling party’s nor the so-called opposition by mislabeling their victims. 

Is it not possible that someone may be an independent thinker and become an integral part of the mainstream Armenian populace with non-partisan support of Armenia’s Democracy, Sovereignty, Independence and Defense? 

Appo Jabarian’s written response as presented on TV: 

“Mr. So-and-So, 

Pashinyan is not everyone’s favorite. 

Many Armenians both in the homeland and in the Diaspora, do not fully agree with Pashinyan’s activities and actions. 

However, they reject tenfold the old regime’s proposed return to power. 

I am sorry that a good person like you, a patriot and a supporter of Armenian statehood, has fallen into the trap of the old regimes, and is blindly following their propaganda line, carrying out anti-state and unpatriotic propaganda. 

Knowing you well and being well aware of your good purpose, I would say that you are doing this propaganda unconsciously. 

I would like to clarify one thing. 

The old regime assets and some leaders of the subordinate ARF Bureau have formed a counterproductive and unpatriotic alliance against the Armenian nation and the endangered Armenian statehood. They do not care even a bit about the high purpose of strengthening Armenian sovereignty and independence. 

These people should know very well that during the years of the second and third presidents, they are the ones who have systematically weakened the defense of Armenia by mercilessly looting the state’s defense budget, building personal palaces and accumulating personal wealth through embezzlement. 

The same presidents, Robert Kocharyan and Serzh Sargsyan, together with the ARF Armenia, obstructed Armenia’s integration with the Diaspora. 

Together with Catholicos Karekin I and other corrupt fake spiritual leaders, the old regimes have looted Artsakh in the past and continue to loot Armenia and the Diaspora. 

They also sold out Artsakh during the 44-Day War of 2020 and after that, shamelessly placing the entire responsibility on Pashinyan’s government. 

Today, those who disapprove of Pashinyan’s government performance, reject the old regime much more strongly.” [end] 

As for the corrupted clerics, one of them is Arch. Bagrat Galstanyan, the former primate of Canada, and the current primate of Tavush, I received many phone calls from Canada about him. 

Concerned Armenian patriots from Canada informed the editors of USA Armenian Life/Hye Kiank that in the past, they supported Arch. Bagrat Galstanyan, and now they are disillusioned with Galstanyan’s unacceptable “behavior”, unpatriotic political activities that they described as “counterproductive and unjustified in many ways.” 

The Russia-controlled Armenian old regimes’ assets along with Catholicos Karekin I, Archbishop Galstanyan and others are actively assisting Putin’s Russia in order to derail Armenia’s peaceful negotiations with Azerbaijan on border delimitation with Azerbaijan. Currently Armenia is executing border delimitation in its northeastern region of Tavush. These negotiations are being conducted based on the mutual understanding of the international map as recognized at the Alma Ata Conference. The parties agree that the process of delimitation will be based on the Alma-Ata Declaration of 1991. 

Russia’s Putin fears that Russian hegemonic presence in the South Caucasus will come to an end if Armenia and Azerbaijan come to terms. Additionally, Armenia is fast-pursuing diversification of its foreign economic, military and political alliances. Most importantly, Armenia is seeking augmented strategic partnerships with the United States, the European Union as well as Iran and India. 

Since the end of the 44-Day War, Armenia is going through the most vulnerable period and has been systematically targeted for the last three years with the complicity of Putin and the Kremlin. Putin is assisted by Armenia’s internal 5th column that has become notorious for a litany of treachery. Yerevan continues to be a target of destabilization by internal and external enemies. 

Let’s watch this video together and continue our conversation. 

The editor-in-chief of “ARAHET” periodical Mikayel Mirijanian wrote: 

MIKAEL MIRIJANIAN: “I weep for you, slaves. Dear friends, I am just ashamed that I am professionally considered a part of today’s Armenian media. 

But believe that these low-class and deplorable news “projects” (puppets) will appear in the same dump where their owners will fall. Of course, unfortunately for them! … 

I can’t imagine how someone who considers himself a journalist can, without first studying in depth all the aspects of the subject, jump into the frenzy, behave like an insolent and stupid bully, repeating like a parrot the propaganda dictated by his masters. … 

How can one go so low for money? 

… the damages caused to Armenia and the value system of the Armenian people by the Kocharyan-Sargsyan duo are monstrous. 

This destruction of the media in Armenia began when on October 27, 1999, in the hall of the National Assembly, the noble, romantic, well-mannered, and dedicated pioneer of journalism, Henrik Abrahamian, was martyred [along with then Prime Minister Vazgen Sargsyan], and as a result of that crime, the power passed into the hands of hyenas, and the press became a field of hyper opportunism under the control of the terrorist group, headed by Tigran Naghdalian. 

After the revolution of 2018 and until today, a well-armed hostile army is operating against the Armenian statehood, thanks to the tyrannical, foreign controlled slave oppressors. 

During the revolution, they went underground. Some barely stayed afloat. But because of the indecisive steps by the current authorities, they gradually recovered their dire situation…. 

Now they are ready to push Armenia into the abyss of destruction if they become unable to continue the looting, like the witch in the court of Soghomon, who agreed to cut the child from the middle… 

… There is only a popular demand to resolutely clean the country from internal garbage, the non-fulfillment of which causes disappointment and hopelessness. 

After all, God forbid, in case of external aggression, they will definitely be the first to strike against the state, the patriotic forces. The forces acting against the state from within should be disarmed immediately, so that we can [successfully] confront external challenges.” 

APPO JABARIAN: The activities of this treacherous 5th column continues unhindered, because they remain unpunished, because they were allowed to enter the parliament as ‘elected’ members in the 2021 extraordinary parliamentary elections. There were numerous reports of vote-buying by old regime cronies. 

Apparently, there is an inner secret here, which I am not very familiar with, but it would be good for Prime Minister Pashinian to make a statement and tell the world Armenians as to how it happened that the old regime kleptomaniacs continue to remain unpunished until today. Why? How were they enabled to snatch the seats in the parliament belonging to the real healthy opposition? 

So, these issues are of concern to many people and the next question is whether the current Pashinian government, being under pressure from Russia, has failed to implement all the provisions of the expropriation law on illegal appropriation. 

Let Mr. Pashinian rise and let the whole world be aware of what kind of internal intrigues are being carried out by Putin and the 5th column. 

There is a contrast that one can see from historical perspective, between Catholicos Karekin II Nersisyan along with his fellow clansmen like Archbishop Bagrat Galstanyan, and His Holiness Karekin I Sarkissian. 

Let’s watch together the historical speech that The Catholicos of All Armenians Karekin I Sarkissian. His Holiness delivered a speech to the Armenian Army on the occasion of the Day of the Armenian Army after watching the military parade led by Vazgen Sargsyan, then Minister of Defense. 


“Dear Mr. Minister of Defense, 

Dear Mr. Vazgen Sargsyan, 

Dear commanders, colonels and dear soldiers of the Republic of Armenia, 

This morning, I raise my eyes to Heaven and give glory and thanks to God for giving me this moment. This is a very special moment so that I can watch the young people dedicated to the defense of my homeland, who are in the preparedness of our army to look at our country, to look at our people, to tell them: be assured, that on your behalf we must serve as a shield for your protection. 

This is the second year in my life that I will welcome the New Year in my homeland, together with my dear people. Today, now, I am looking at you, brothers.

You are now the image of our army, of our new republic, this republic proclaimed in 1991, the 5th anniversary of which we celebrated [today] with such an impressive military parade in Yerevan, the capital city. We shall continue to watch together our collective Journey in history. 

A soldier with Faith is a useless soldier. The weapon is not the only tool for a soldier. It is the faith, towards the nation, the motherland, towards the protection of life given by God, that will be valuable to you first of all. … You burned the soul with weapons, which is the first prerequisite for the correct use of weapons, protection of life, values, homeland and people. 

Secondly, I expect, next to faith, a consciousness of exceptional level, superior level of discipline. A soldier is not an individual. … A soldier is an integral part of a whole. The army is a kind of mosaic for me. Each one of you is one part of a mosaic, one line, one stone. 

When you tear it out of the whole, neither the line has value, nor the grain has value, nor the tiny piece of stone. In order to maintain integrity, order is necessary. Discipline is a God-given law and not a man-made administration. Look at the universe. the earth moves, the planets move, but all according to law and order. 

When order is disturbed in people’s lives, that life decays and weakens. And the military is the school of discipline. Without that discipline, I can’t imagine any army that could record success in history. Third, after discipline, a strong, steady and unyielding awareness of responsibility. 

Today, I want you, my friend, to have these three noble principles: Faith, Discipline and Responsibility. And now for me as the Spiritual Head of this Church, when I now come from the spiritual birthplace of all of us, from our national Bethlehem, Holy Etchmiadzin, I bring you the eternal prayer of our fathers, I tell you, dear ones, the Church is with you with its prayer, with its moral assistance and by all other means its possession”. 

APPO JABARIAN: As we have seen, this was an encouraging, soul-nurturing Patriarchal Message. It was really a message that inspires Strength, Courage And Faith. 

Let’s look at who is in stark contrast with His Holiness Karekin I Sarkissian? Of course, Karekin II – the fake Catholicos. While Karekin I Sarkissian has been widely recognized as being in solidarity with his people and homeland, Karegin II Nersisyan joins forces with the Soviet-Ottoman anti Armenia enemies — the old regimes that hijacked the future of all Armenians, on that infamous October 27, 1999 day, when Vazgen Sargsyan, Karen Demirjian and other state leaders were assassinated. On that same day Karekin II was fraudulently ‘elected’ Catholicos of all Armenians. 

And today he is acting as a Russian stooge and a treacherous 5th column clansman. 

How to eradicate the Russian-controlled 5th column in Armenia and the Armenian Parliament? The Speaker of the Armenian Parliament, Alen Simonyan, recently proposed that the opposition resign paving the way for new special parliamentary elections. 

I would suggest that the Armenian parliament should not wait for this fake unpatriotic opposition to resign. It is now necessary that the majority Civil Contract parliamentary bloc should invite the fake opposition deputies to an emergency session, and let there be a vote on holding new parliamentary elections. 

Russia’s and the Russian-sponsored 5th column operating inside Armenia should be watched very closely. Because Putin’s Russia is dead-set opposed to Armenia’s diversification of its foreign political, economic and military alliances. 

The Armenian nation has a birthright to support the process of diversifying Armenia’s external alliances. No power on the face of the earth and under the Sun has the right to stand in the way of the process of protecting the Sovereignty and Independence of any nation and in Armenia’s case — the process of strengthening Democracy. 

The time has come for the world Armenians to give it all for the protection of the Armenian Statehood. 

In the following short video, there is a speech by the late Armenian Commander-in-Chief, the Minister of Defense and Prime Minister of Armenia Vazgen Sargsyan: “I am convinced that every nation should lead its war to the end at least once. It is not allowed that we get tired in the middle of any wars. Each of us is responsible for this war in his own place and in his own capabilities.” 

As my colleague Mr. Suren Sargsyan of Meronq TV in Armenia says, “Everything will be OK. Stay strong!” 

The Armenian people has existed throughout thousands of year and it shall continue to exist. 

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