RFK Jr. calls for U.S. sanctions on Azerbaijan until the safe return of Armenians to Artsakh

Posted on May. 10. 2024

WASHINGTON – Presidential candidate Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. delivered a powerful pro-Artsakh message yesterday in a statement and video shared live with Armenian Americans gathered at the White House for a protest demanding justice for the Armenian Genocide, organized by the Armenian Youth Federation (AYF). 

Kennedy’s statement – a robust defense of the rights of indigenous Armenians to return to Artsakh – called for decisive U.S. leadership in holding Azerbaijan accountable for its violent ethnic cleansing of Artsakh. He warned of renewed Azerbaijani aggression, asserting: “If left without international support, the Armenian Genocide of 1915 will be finalized in the coming weeks and months.” 

Kennedy also stressed: “We must act now to hold Azerbaijan accountable by calling for the release of the hostages and enforcing sanctions until a safe and viable path for the return of the indigenous Armenians to Artsakh is achieved. Though today we commemorate the 109th anniversary of the beginning of the Armenian Genocide, the plight of the Armenians is not over – and we must recommit ourselves to end the ethnic cleansing and defend Armenians’ right to self-determination.” 

Commenting on Azerbaijan’s efforts to seize yet more Armenian territory, he pointed out: “The regime threatens to invade Armenia if they don’t cede several towns and villages inside Armenia’s territorial boundaries,” adding, “today, Azerbaijani bulldozers are destroying what remains of Armenian heritage in Artsakh.” 

In remarks introducing Kennedy’s statement to the AYF Washington D.C. ‘Ani’ Chapter “March for Justice” rally attendees, Armenian National Committee of America Executive Director Aram Hamparian noted that, in light of the fact that the presumptive Republican and Democratic presidential candidates have armed Azerbaijan, Kennedy offers a vital third option to voters in what will surely be a close election this November. Noting Kennedy’s strong stand, Hamparian stressed: “We would welcome this type of leadership from Joe Biden. We would welcome it from Donald Trump. We want this kind of leadership in our White House.” 

Kennedy’s statement was accompanied by a powerful 2.5-minute video, re-released yesterday, in which he pledged that his administration would mobilize the international community to sanction Azerbaijan, secure the safe return of Armenians to their Artsakh homeland and support their right to self-determination. “I want to commit this country to the restoration of the sovereignty of Armenia and Artsakh, and to the restoration of its territory. Instead of starting another war somewhere, I want to stop one,” stated Kennedy. 

The full text of RFK, Jr.’s April 24th Armenian Genocide Remembrance Day statement is provided below and posted to the candidate’s X (formerly Twitter) and Instagram pages and the ANCA’s YouTube page: 

Robert F. Kennedy Jr.’s statement on Armenian Genocide Remembrance Day 

After the ethnic cleansing of Artsakh, the Azeri regime is still holding onto the civilian political leadership of Artsakh: its prior presidents, ministers and parliament members, as well as dozens of others as hostages to coerce further territorial concessions from Armenia. 

The regime threatens to invade Armenia if they don’t cede several towns and villages inside Armenia’s territorial boundaries. Today, Azerbaijani bulldozers are destroying what remains of Armenian heritage in Artsakh. If left without international support, the Armenian Genocide of 1915 will be finalized in the coming weeks and months. 

We must act now to hold Azerbaijan accountable by calling for the release of the hostages and enforcing sanctions until a safe and viable path for the return of the indigenous Armenians to Artsakh is achieved. Though today we commemorate the 109th anniversary of the beginning of the Armenian Genocide, the plight of the Armenians is not over – and we must recommit ourselves to end the ethnic cleansing and defend Armenians’ right to self-determination. 

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